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Yet another triumph for Detling Players.  Their production and performances of 3 of Alan Bennett’s monologues were exquisite, and, as usual, so professional. Each piece was about forty minutes long without scripts. The actors have to be congratulated on their total ability to remember such long parts.

Clare Pearce’s portrayal of Susan in ‘Bed among the Lentils’, the bored vicar’s wife, was so sensitive and with such animated mannerisms that you really felt sorry for her situation and could forgive her her infidelities.

Colin Leggat’s portrayal of Graham, the spoilt middle aged man, in ‘A Chip in the Sugar’, who lives with his mother was so believable you wanted to get involved and support her against his jealousies. Again, his mannerisms and stage presence were superb.

Lesley Phippen’s portrayal of Irene, the middle aged spinster, in Lady of Letters was so beautifully performed with such subtly conveyed nuances that were so indicative of Bennett’s writing.

A big thank you once again for the support of our loyal audiences who again were out in force.